We learned to navigate health insurance coverage through personal experience

Now, we help other patients do the same.

Our Story

In 2021, Alex was denied by insurance for a $40,000 medical procedure and had to resort to Reddit where an anonymous user, who also had previously successfully appealed their denial, helped Alex write his appeal. That anonymous user’s advice worked: Alex won his appeal!

Later, at Stanford, Alex met Haley, and they decided to start a venture to help patients navigate health insurance appeals, driven by Alex’s personal experience.

Soon, Alex and Haley discovered another Stanford student was working on a similar project. It turns out, that Stanford student was the same anonymous Reddit user that had helped Alex in 2021: Malcolm. They decided to join forces and have been working together on Paxos Appeals ever since.

Haley King

Haley King has seven years of healthcare experience at Medtronic, the world’s largest medical device company, and an MBA from Stanford. With undergraduate degrees in Biomedical and Mechanical Engineering, she designed cardiovascular implants and worked directly with surgeons to engineer innovative devices with reimbursement pathways

Alex Lacey

Alex Lacey has four years of product management experience at Meta and Microsoft and an MBA from Stanford. He appealed an insurance denial for his own jaw surgery, and has been helping patients write appeals ever since. He’s a member of the Association for Healthcare Denial and Appeal Management, and he’s attended healthcare conferences nationwide to teach about insurance coverage, denials, and appeals

Malcolm Asher

Malcolm Asher is a graduate of Stanford University with a degree in Human Biology. Malcolm leverages his extensive healthcare experience to advocate for patients: he has worked to improve surgical outcomes and safety with the Stanford Sleep Surgery Innovation Lab and led a nonprofit organization focused on COVID-19 response, collaborating with the Ethiopian Ministry of Health and the World Health Organization

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