Writing appeals for denials, out-of-network providers, and low reimbursements
Drawing from our extensive experience in assisting hundreds of patients, working closely with many providers' offices, and engaging with every major health insurer, we offer comprehensive support in appealing against health insurers for treatment coverage.
Tier 0: Free case review
We review your most critical documents: denial letter, evidence of coverage document (and if available) prior authorization request. Then we give you a written analysis (2-3 paragraphs) of your case options and next steps. This will enable you to write appeals on your own or appeal using our services.
Tier 1: Appeal plan
Includes everything in Tier 0, plus:
- Comprehensive appeal plan (1-2 customized pages including which arguments to make and an outline of your appeal) by a dedicated appeals specialist.
Tier 2: One appeal
Includes everything in Tier 1, plus:
- A full appeal written and customized to your case, with up to two rounds of revisions.
Tier 3: Comprehensive appeal service
- We will write additional appeals if needed, including taking your case all the way to regulators governing insurance plans
- We give priority-response-time to all of your messages
- We provide you with a dedicated support line
Paxos offers a scholarship program for those with financial need. If you believe you may qualify, please reach out to us at info@paxosappeals.com.